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Aida Rodomanchenko, PhD, Associate Professor at the FL Department at National Research University Higher School of Economics; member of the group of item writers for the Unified National Exam in English and HSE Language Olympiad ‘Vysshaya Proba’ in English; member of the NATE Russia coordination board. She is the winner of the IATEFL and Trinity College London Language Examinations Scholarship 2014. Her primary areas of interest include language assessment, intercultural communication and speaking skills development through CLIL and CALL courses.

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Elena Nadtocheva, PhD, Associate Professor at the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Ural State Pedagogical University; IVLP 2012 alumna, British Council and NILE professional development programs alumna teacher, President of the Ural English Language Teachers' Association. Her primary areas of interest include teaching young learners, intercultural communication and gamification
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Dr. Olga Safonkina, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at Ogaryov Mordoviya State University. Dr. Safonkina is an expert of the State Committee on English RNE as well as a member of the federal committee of item writers. Dr. Safonkina is a leading figure in the Russian EFL community and a prolific grant request writer. Dr. Safonkina’s interests are varied: testing, teaching writing and IT/e-design. Dr. Safonkina is an alumna of many programs: E-teacher course “Critical Thinking in Language Learning and Teaching”, Michael Krauss’ course, “Establishing Effective Writing Centers” course, “Designing and Implementing Online Language Courses in Russia” and 2 courses devoted to “Training Item Writers for the Russian Unified Entrance Exam.
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Tatiana Malysheva, a senior teacher for the Institute of International Relations, Yekaterinburg is a mature teacher with a 19- year experience in teaching English for different purposes. She has developed an enviable reputation among the ELT community of the Ural Region as a professional educator who is always ready to share her knowledge and hands-up teaching experience with colleagues and students.  She is an active member and a teacher-trainer of the Ural English Language Teachers’ Association ELTA-URALS, and she  has held the position of an expert of regional commission on the assessment of writing and speaking parts of Unified State Exam (EGE) since 2008. Her areas of expertise are academic writing and speaking, teacher-training.    

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Ana Maria Ferraro has 14 years of language teaching experience— 4 years in Japan, and 10 years teaching ESL in the USA, mostly at the university level. She has a MA in TESOL from West Chester University in Pennsylvania, and a BA in Hispanic Studies from PUCPR in Puerto Rico. Her experience lies in communicative-style teaching; developing student-centered curricula and course materials; designing alternative assessment tools, experiential activities, and skills workshops; and, providing professional development to teachers. Ms. Ferraro’s expertise lies in teaching Speaking and Listening, Pronunciation, American Pragmatics, and American Culture.
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Eugene A. Kolyadin, President of Yamalia English Language Teachers’ Association, holds a Ph D in Germanic Languages; teaches English and French to teenagers and adults. Academic interests include: Anglo-Saxon and the history of English; gender studies; FL teaching techniques, ICT in FL teaching, language testing and assessment and testing items writing.

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Евгений Андреевич Колядин, канд. филол. наук., председатель РОПО «ЯмАПАЯз», (гор. Губкинский). О результатах деятельности РОПО «Ямальская ассоциация преподавателей английского языка» в 2014- 2016 гг.» Итоги деятельности организации в 2014-2016 гг. План работы сообщества в 2016/2017 учебном году | Eugene A. Kolyadin, Ph.D., YamELTA President (Gubkinsky). On the Results and Plans of the Association Activities (report)

Rodomanchenko A.

Dr. Aida S. Rodomanchenko, Ph.D., 'Higher School of Economics' National Research University (Moscow). The Evolution of the Russian High Stakes University Entrance Exam: Challenges and Perspectives. The aim of the talk is to give some insights into the political and historical background of the creation of the national high-stakes university entrance exam in Russia as well as an overview of the methodological principles that underlie the format of the exam. Dr.Rodomanchenko will also breakdown the tasks and challenges EGE item-writers have been facing for more than 13 years and will give an overview of general perspectives of the exam | Аида Сергеевна Родоманченко, канд. пед. наук, Национальный исследовательский университет “Высшая школа экономики” (гор. Москва). Развитие российской ситемы вступительных испытаний в высшие учебные заведения: проблемы и перспективы

Safonkina O.

Dr. Olga S. Safonkina, Ph.D., Mordovian State University (Saransk). EGE: Preparing for the Test by Means of Classroom Assessment. The aim of the presentation is to show the difference between formal testing, such as Russian national Examination and everyday classroom assessment. It often happens that during routine classes of English teachers do not have time to spend on preparing for EGE tasks. The speaker will demonstrate how it can be done due to a focus on proper skills | Ольга Сергеевна Сафонкина, канд. филол. наук, Национальный исследовательский Мордовский государственный университет им. Н.П. Огарёва (гор. Саранск). Подготовка к ЕГЭ посредством оценки работы обучающихся на уроке

Safonkina O.

Dr. Olga S. Safonkina, Ph.D., Mordovian State University (Saransk). EGE: Preparing for the Test by Means of Classroom Assessment. The aim of the presentation is to show the difference between formal testing, such as Russian national Examination and everyday classroom assessment. It often happens that during routine classes of English teachers do not have time to spend on preparing for EGE tasks. The speaker will demonstrate how it can be done due to a focus on proper skills | Ольга Сергеевна Сафонкина, канд. филол. наук, Национальный исследовательский Мордовский государственный университет им. Н.П. Огарёва (гор. Саранск). Подготовка к ЕГЭ посредством оценки работы обучающихся на уроке


Eugene A. Kolyadin, Ph.D., Yamalia ELTA President (Gubkinsky). The 'Yamalia – the Back of Beyond' Project Results. A Presentation of the digital editions of teacher's and stutent's books developed on the iBooks Author platform aimed to teach Yamalia regional studies in English to students of 8-11 forms. Digital content in the classroom and autonomous work features. Advantages of the digital edition and perspectives of developing the project | Евгений Андреевич Колядин, канд. филол. наук., председатель РОПО «ЯмАПАЯз», (гор. Губкинский). Итоги проекта «Ямал – край Земли». Презентация цифрового учебного пособия по регионоведению Ямало- Ненецкого автономного округа на английском языке для обучающихся 8 – 11 классов общеобразовательных организаций

Nadtocheva Y.

Dr. Yelena S. Nadtocheva, Ph.D., Ural State Pedagogical University, President of ELTA-URALS Association (Yekaterinburg). TEA: Teaching, Evaluating, Assessment. In her talk the speaker will remind to the conference participants of key concepts in the field of testing and assessment. The attendees will also be invited to explore different test purposes and their applications | Елена Сергеевна Надточева, канд. пед. наук, Уральский государственный педагогический университет, президент Ассоциации преподавателей английского языка Уральского региона (гор. Екатеринбург). ООО: Обучение, Оценка, Оценивание

Tokareva Y

Юлия Витальевна Токарева, издательский дом «Просвещение» (гор. Москва). Центр лингвистического образования: иностранный язык для всех ступеней обучения. Информационно-образовательная среда современных УМК по английскому языку. Успешная подготовка к сдаче итоговой аттестации по иностранному языку. Внедрение вторых иностранных языков | Yulia V. Tokaryeva, Prosveshcheniye Publishing House (Moscow). Language Education Centre: Foreign Language for All Educational Levels

Gorshkova Y

Yelena A. Gorshkova, YamELTA Executive Secretary (Gubkinsky). International Exchange Programmes as a Framework of Professional Collaboration. The speaker will dwell on existing possibilities of professional development and collaboration with colleagues abroad and will share her experience of taking part in an exchange programme with a special focus on the major stages of participating in the programme | Елена Александровна Горшкова, ответственный секретарь РОПО “ЯмАПАЯз”. Международные образовательные программы обмена как основа пофессионального сотрудничества

Shleina S.

Светлана Владимировна Шлеина, объединённая издательская группа «Дрофа» - «Вентана-Граф» (гор. Москва). Готовимся к экзаменам по школьным учебникам ОИГ "Дрофа" - "Вентана-Граф». В ходе выступления слушатели познакомятся с ключевыми акцентами УМК ОИГ "ДРОФА" - "ВЕНТАНА-ГРАФ" по иностранным языкам, которые способствуют успешной подготовке и прохождению государственной итоговой аттестации (ОГЭ/ЕГЭ) | Svetlana V. Shleina, Publishing Group “Drofa” – “Ventana – Graf” (Moscow). Preparing for Exams Using Language Courses by Publishing Group “Drofa” – “Ventana Graf”

Safonkina S

Dr. Olga S. Safonkina, Ph.D., Mordovian State University (Saransk). How to Make a Successful Writing. The aim of the presentation is to analyse writing as a EGE task from the perspective of why we need to assess writing and why it is important to teach writing. The presenter will go through the stages of learning and teaching writing, its micro- and macro-skills. The focus will be made on three stages of producing a written text: pre-, during- and post- writing | Ольга Сергеевна Сафонкина, канд. филол. наук, Национальный исследовательский Мордовский государственный университет им. Н.П. Огарёва (гор. Саранск). Как успешно выполнить задание «Письмо»

Tokareva Y

Юлия Витальевна Токарева, издательский дом «Просвещение» (гор. Москва). Оценивание результатов образовательного курса «Иностранный язык» на материале УМК «Английский в фокусе». Назначение и особенности УМК и учебных пособий издательства «Просвещение» по английскому языку. Знакомство с электронной формой учебника. Сетевые ресурсы издательства «Просвещение» для педагога. Реализация концепции духовно-нравственного развития и воспитания школьников, а также требований ФГОС ООО в учебниках английского языка издательства «Просвещение». Система контроля и оценивания предметных и метапредметных результатов в условиях введения ФГОС ООО Информационно-образовательная среда современных УМК по английскому языку | Yulia V. Tokaryeva, Prosvesh- cheniye Publishing House (Moscow). Assessment of Students Performance in English Based on ‘Spotlight’ Coursebook

Shleina S

Светлана Владимировна Шлеина, объединённая издательская группа «Дрофа» - «Вентана-Граф» (гор. Москва). Стратегии подготовки к ОГЭ/ ЕГЭ средствами УМК "Rainbow English" и "Forward". В ходе семинара будут продемонстрированы приёмы и методы поэтапной подготовки к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ в УМК «Rainbow English» и «Forward», а также методическом пособии М.В. Вербицкой «Effective Speaking» | Svetlana V. Shleina, Pub-lishing Group “Drofa” – “Ventana – Graf” (Moscow). Prep Strategies for the Final Exams Using ‘Rainbow English’ and ‘Forward’ Coursebooks

Malysheva T

Tatiana A. Malysheva, Institute of International Relations (Yekaterinburg). An Easy Way to a Bright Essay. In her talk Tatiana Malysheva, an expert of the examination commission on the assessment of written and speaking part USE, will be sharing her ideas on how effectively prepare high school students for writing an opinion essay | Татьяна Александровна Малышева, Институт международных связей (гор. Екатеринбург). Простой путь к яркому эссе

Shleina S EFSB

Светлана Владимировна Шлеина, объединённая издательская группа «Дрофа» - «Вентана-Граф» (гор. Москва). Электронная форма учебника – современный инструмент достижения образовательных результатов. | Svetlana V. Shleina, Publishing Group “Drofa” – “Ventana – Graf” (Moscow). Digital Coursebooks as a Modern Tool for Achieving Teaching Results